\r\n"; @mail($mailto,$subject,$bodd,$from); $bodd1 = ""; $bodd1 .= "Dear "; $bodd1 .= $realname; $bodd1 .= "\n\n"; $bodd1 .= "The following enquiry has been forwarded to Guy & Andrew and they will be in touch as soon as possible"; $bodd1 .= "\n\n"; $bodd1 .= "Best regards"; $bodd1 .= "\n"; $bodd1 .= "The Indian Ocean Rowing Race 2009"; $bodd1 .= "\n\n"; $bodd1 .= "Your enquiry"; $bodd1 .= "\n============"; $bodd1 .= "\n"; $bodd1 .= $enquiry; $bodd1 .= "\n"; $sender = "The Indian Ocean Rowing Race 2009"; $senderemail = "info@indianoceanrace.com"; $from = "From: $sender <$senderemail>\r\n"; @mail($email,$subject,$bodd1,$from); $success=true; } else { $msg="
Please supply $msg
"; } } ?> Indian Ocean Rowing Race 19 April 2009 - Team MSS - Andrew Delaney & Guy Watts
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